Entry Level Expert

Blind Spot: Learning It All!

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You're an up-and-coming rockstar! Good for you, this is the path to success. You are the type to constantly learn and seek knowledge, which will serve you well as you continue to rise in the online world.


However, maybe it is time to pause the ‘learning’ and think about ‘serving’ and start making some cash.


And even if you still don't have anything to sell, here's the best part... You are in the BEST position to actually get out there and start offering your online course, even if you don't have one yet, let me explain.


We have FOUR steps which are SUPER simple, and SUPER powerful, and gives our clients an instant Cash & Confidence injection selling their online courses.


Jack’s BIGGEST Tip Of The Day:


BIG Mistake → Start making a course, and selling it later.


Wrong. Nope. Not yet.


I coach my students how to ‘SELL’ their course first, and then ‘BUILD’ it later. Seems backwards, but it works and YOU get to validate your offer first (the most important step to tick off if selling online courses).


Don’t worry if this feels too much to take for now, I have more info coming in the next upcoming days inside your email inbox :)


I have broken down FIVE of the hottest launch strategies for 2021 BELOW.

Let’s FIVE in:



HEY, I'm Jack!

I wan't to take this moment to introduce myself and say a BIG thank you for being here and taking my quiz.


I coach passion driven Entrepreneurs & Coaches to Create & Launch their Online Courses and FAST TRACK their first $10k consistent months working less than 10 Hours per week without the tech stress or confusion. JOIN my Course Creators Community on Facebook πŸ‘‡

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#1 - Email Course


WHO Is This Perfect For: Just getting started with an online business and courses.


How It Works: 

Email courses are one of the simplest ways to sell a course (and other products and services online). They can also be used to grow your email list if you are just getting started with an online business.

The concept is simple: Deliver 5 to 7 educational emails. And then follow up with 3 to 5 sales emails selling your main premium course. And you don’t really need much either to deliver a free email course.

TIP: Add a deadline funnel tool to your email mini course to create urgency for new leads to purchase your main priced course.


#2 - Launch Formula


Who Is This Perfect For: Online Coaches, or Influencers that have at least a small follow of 200 people or a small email list with people who are their perfect customer avatar.


How It Works: 

A launch is a live online event where you invite your warm, hot crazy fans to join you in on the fun… but you can also invite cold leads from ads traffic and instantly turn them into hot fans within a matter of days (and in sometimes as little as an hour). Launches create HUGE buzz for your course in such a way that the attendees are ready to buy before you’ve even presented them with a price. POWERFUL!

TIP: Start out with a Webinar Launch first and get that converting. Then try out other launch funnels such as the Challenge Launch, or the Multi Video Series Launch.

#3 - Toolkit Mini Course


Who Is This Perfect For: Just getting started and ready to offer an online digital product to your audience… Or, you have a premium online course and an engaged community and you want to create a SLO funnel (Self Liquidating Offer).


How It Works: 

The Digital Toolkit is a self-help guide, on-demand tutorials, sometimes Done-4-You templates and resources geared to help students tick that ONE thing they need off their list. Toolkits are usually low price products ($17 - $49) geared towards growing your list with customers and upselling your more premium course.



Webinar Slides Toolkit

Sales Page Tooltook

100 Pre-Written Emails Toolkit


And so on...

#4 - Free Consultation or Coaching


Who Is This Perfect For: Online Coaches, Consultants, 1:1 Service Providers, Done 4 You Businesses.


How It Works: 

You create free premium, high valued quality content that has your audience take action and jump on a call with you for further consultation or coaching on a specific topic. On the call you deliver coaching that ticks a box, or you can map out a strategy for your lead which then convinces them to further work with you and sign up to your course. The whole process is executed live on the call and is by far the easiest way to sell your course.



Map Your Funnel Consultation (which leads to your course on HOW to build a funnel)

Write Your FB Ads Copy Coaching Call (leads to your course on HOW to create FB ads)

How To Set Up Your Instagram Account (leads to your course on Instagram content growth)


And so on...

#5 - Live Workshops


Who Is This Perfect For: Just starting and never sold a course before. Or establish course creator looking for a new way to sell your course other than Webinars.


How It Works: 

Similar to a Webinar, however Workshops are live real time coaching sessions with you and a group of up 100 customers in a half day event designed specially teaching one topic. Unlike Webinar where the content is HOW to do something. Your Workshop leads will be expecting to come away with something complete and done.


Workshops are usually priced between $17 - $49, and at the end of a workshop you can effortlessly sell your premium course with your NEW captive audience who have just witness HOW amazing you are at coaching for 3 hours… Workshops are a fantastic way of selling online courses and converting like CRAZY!



Nail Your Niche (half day live Workshop) - This is actually my Workshop.

Fill Your Funnel Workshop

How To Launch a Profitable Podcast Workshop


And so on…




I know you are, even if...

> You have never done this before selling a course?

> You are struggling to fill your current course with new students?

> You feel lost, you keep procrastinating, and spinning your wheels?

> You don't know where to start and you have NOTHING to sell?

> You hate the thought of selling, or you think you suck at selling?

> You hate any techy stuff and you haven't a clue how to stitch it together?

> You don't have a big email list or a big following on social media?

> You have a service or a skill but haven't a clue how to package that as a course?


Don't let ANY of those fears or concerns get in the way of YOU making an income stream from a course.


Courses are powerful assets.


With an online course you can:

● leverage your time

● help an unlimited number of people,

● increase your income, and

● Create multiple income streams for added financial stability (something I’m highly passionate about.)


But before you can enjoy these awesome benefits, you have to create your course!


To make sure you don't get stuck in this process, come join my FREE Facebook community dedicated to helping you launch a profitable online course hitting the ground running.


CLICK The Button Below To Join Our Group - 'Course Creators Community':

I spend a LOT of my time hanging out here and coaching our passion driven Entrepreneurs & Coaches to take away the tech stress and confusion and how to Create, Launch & Scale their Online Course. πŸ‘‡πŸ‘‡πŸ‘‡

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