#002: The Entrepreneur's Journey: Navigating Fear, Seizing Opportunities, and Achieving Success





About This Episode:

Welcome to "That Digital Entrepreneur Podcast" with your host, Jack Long, where we explore the secrets, strategies, and pivotal moments that propel entrepreneurs to greatness.

In today's episode, we delve into the fears and self-sabotage that can hinder individuals from embracing their inner entrepreneur and creating the lifestyle they desire. Jack shares his personal story of breaking free from the routine of waiting for permission and self-doubt, and invites us to challenge negative thoughts and embrace change.

Join us as we uncover the mindset shifts and resilience needed to thrive as a digital entrepreneur, and learn valuable tips for business success along the way. So grab your headphones and get ready to be inspired to take the leap into entrepreneurship on "That Digital Entrepreneur."


Primary Topic: Overcoming Fear and Embracing Entrepreneurship

- Fear of failure and success holding people back

- Breaking free from routine and embracing change

- Challenging oneself and reframing challenges as opportunities

- Planning, vision, and performance metrics for entrepreneurship

- Balancing business growth with lifestyle

- Sharing personal success story to inspire and attract audience


Links Mentioned in This Episode:

>> https://www.jacklongdigital.com/nicheworkbook

>> https://www.jacklongdigital.com/hub


Full Transcript:

Jack [00:00:00]:
You're listening to That Digital Entrepreneur podcast with me, your host, Jack Long. I'm really excited because today, we're gonna be ditching the textbooks, breaking some rules, and having a blast while doing it. We're gonna be taking a joyride into the kind of wild world of creative entrepreneurship and throwing things that you learned at school out the window. So get ready my rebels because we're gonna be shaking some things up. Stay tuned. Welcome to That Digital Entrepreneur Podcast. The show that takes you on an exhilarating journey into the world of digital entrepreneurship. I'm your host, Jack Long, a former corporate guy turned CEO of a moldy 6 figure online business.

Jack [00:00:43]:
And if you dream of creating a business turns your passions into profits, changes other people's lives, and gives you more freedom than you ever thought possible. This podcast is for you. Each week, we dive into the minds of inspiring digital entrepreneurs, revealing the secrets, the strategies, and the pivotable moments that propelled them to greatness. This isn't just about the victories. It's about the challenges, the lessons learned, and the courage to take the leap. And if you're an ambitious entrepreneur or one in the making and you're looking to create a business that makes an impact, then this podcast is your go to resource, your inner entrepreneur. Join me on a transformative journey. Don't miss out on the inspiration, the motivation, and knowledge that you need to build and scale your own business.

Jack [00:01:29]:
Get ready to conquer new heights and unlock the secrets of digital entrepreneurship. You're in the right place to turn your dreams into reality. Let's dive in. Hey. Hey. Hey. Hey. Hey.

Jack [00:01:41]:
Welcome, digital entrepreneurs. Welcome. Welcome. Welcome to another episode here inside that digital entrepreneur podcast with me, Jack Long. How are you doing? I hope you're all well. This episode, will have some slight controversies. Okay? Episode number 2. And we're gonna be tackling some truths about kind of my feelings towards some of the, how can I put it, systems in the world that we that kind of don't really allow us creatives or allow us entrepreneurs to thrive? I mean, some areas obviously do.

Jack [00:02:11]:
We have some, you know, around the world, some amazing entrepreneurs around the world. So some systems are great, but I'm gonna be tackling the education systems and the working world. And we're also gonna be diving deep into some of the mindset truths around those which could be holding you back from success of running a digital business or even starting a digital entrepreneurial business or whatever it is you wanna be doing. So without further ado. We're just gonna dive straight into this. Okay? And, I wanna kick start this whole entire episode with asking you a question. K? And the question is it's gonna sound a bit funny, but have you ever felt like you are a fish trying to climb a tree. Okay? It's a strange one.

Jack [00:02:55]:
Now that's how, like, the traditional education system made me feel when I was at school many, many years ago, and those kind of feelings of, like, I don't quite understand why this system isn't working for me. Is a feeling that us creative souls can often feel. And today, we're gonna be kicking down the doors of the classroom. We're gonna be exposing the myth of the kind of, like, what you learned in school is gonna keep you broke and all that kind of stuff because as a business owner, as a visionary, as a CEO of your company, I think we need to tackle these things on the head and just dive in for it. Okay? So to kick the start of this whole entire episode off and going into that deep conversation. I want you to, first of all, picture this for a minute. Okay? We're gonna do, like, a little visualization thing going on here. Right? I need you to kinda close your eyes or just daydream or just visualize whatever it is and visualize this scenario.

Jack [00:03:49]:
Okay? So you're in a classroom. You are sitting smack bang in the middle of the classroom. You've got, like, windows to the left of you. You got a wall to the right. The classroom door is in the top right hand corner, and you and the other 29 classmates are all facing forward towards the teacher. Every single one of you sitting there perfectly still. You listen with intent to what your is discussing. Maybe the teacher's asking you a series of questions about a topic that you're covering.

Jack [00:04:22]:
And you and you and you kind of know some of the questions. You kinda know some of the answers, but you don't feel a 100% confident to answer them. Right? And then this as 1 question comes. And you 100,000,000 percent know the answer to it. You know this one right off the top. You're like itching to to shout it out. Out. You know it.

Jack [00:04:45]:
And so what do you do in order to show your teacher that you know the answer to this 1 question? You raise your hand. Right? You raise your whole entire arm in the air. It's in the air. It's stretched as far as it can be. You're even using your other hand to prop the other one so straight that it looks like the highest one above anybody else in the whole classroom. Okay? You know, like, wriggling your fingers. You're almost saying, like, me me me me me because but, you know, you can't say me me me because you're gonna get into trouble. Right? You can hear the voice in your head repeatedly saying, please, please, please, pick me, pick me, pick me, please, pick me.

Jack [00:05:24]:
And then the teacher's looking around, and you've got arms straight in the air, your other arms propping up, your fingers are wiggling, you've got it so high, and you're almost touching the ceiling, and then the teacher points at you. Yes. Oh my god. I've been given permission to answer. You get chosen. You answer with confidence, and you get it right, and you feel good. Right? Could you picture yourself there for that moment? You in that classroom and you you I mean, we've all been in that case. Right? We've all been sitting in that scenario before.

Jack [00:06:02]:
Now let's take a moment to consider the classroom scenario here as a metaphor for our lives, your life, my life, everybody else around us. Many of us find ourselves in this kind of routine where we're waiting for permission to speak. We are waiting for someone else to validate our ideas all our choices. It's as if we're all kind of sitting in that classroom, right, in life, the classroom of life, desperately raising our hands, hoping for approval. What if I told you that life doesn't have to be a series of waiting for permission all kick starting a business or launching a product doesn't have to be a series of waiting for permission. I'm telling you now, it is time to break free from the raise your hand for permission routine and recognize the inner entrepreneur within each of us. Just like within the classroom, there's like moments in life where you know the answer, where you have the ideas or the solutions. And it's it's time to just trust yourself, believe in your capabilities, seize the opportunities that come your way at all times, by the way, like, at all times.

Jack [00:07:18]:
You should be you should be embracing the spirit of initiative and innovation and and and independence. Okay, and stop waiting for permission and start creating your path. Now this is something that I know too well. Is why I wanna talk about it. Because I spent too much time with myself doing all of this, self doubting myself. Like, who am I to do this? I can't do that. I have zero experience in x, y, zed. Who am I to launch a digital online course and teach others? I'm not qualified enough to do this.

Jack [00:07:52]:
I don't have a certificate, well, I haven't been given permission to launch a digital course and sell it and and teach others how to you know, this skill or teach others my knowledge. K? I've been there. I have self sabotage for too long. And I'm telling you now, you don't have to do this. That's what I wanted to create this episode. Okay. So let's kinda go back to the classroom again just one more time. Alright? For those of you having, like, anxiety of being in the classroom.

Jack [00:08:19]:
Oh my god. Jackie's making me sit in the classroom. Just one more time in the classroom. Okay? So imagine that while you're sitting in that classroom, eagerly waiting to answer, there's a whisper of self doubt in your mind. Like, what if I get the answer wrong? What if others judge me? These are the nagging fears. Okay? And the tendency of that self sabotage. It's kind of like how can I put it? The easiest way of understanding it really is it's like invisible chains kind of holding you back from fully participating. Kind of like, oh, I wanna answer it, but my classmates might laugh if I get it wrong.

Jack [00:09:02]:
It's kind of invisible chain holding you back, self sabotaging yourself. K? Self sabotaging yourself from participating. And in life, all too often, we find ourselves constrained by the fear of failure. That is basically where that all comes from. The kind of fear of being laughed at in the classroom kinda then has a knock on effect in life. When we're adults, the fear of failure, the fear of not meeting expectations. Or what if I tell everybody I'm gonna launch, like, a course or I'm gonna create and become a business owner, an entrepreneur, launch a business. What if the business fails? Right? Another big fear that we often have within ourselves is the fear of success.

Jack [00:09:46]:
It's a massive one. But it's crucial to recognize that all of these fears really are kind of just invisible walls that confine us to routines, preventing us from embracing our inner entrepreneur or even stopping us from living a lifestyle that we can only wish to have, the dream of the lifestyle that we want. It's and keeping busy because that's all we know to do in order to feel achieved. Now it doesn't stop there. Of course, when you graduate from school, you get your, you you know, your grades or whatever. You didn't get a job. You then have a boss, and then you're asking for permission again. Right, this time you're asking permission for when you can book a holiday.

Jack [00:10:32]:
Now we've all been there in many cases. Right? When you're gonna go and book a holiday, you wanna book holiday with the family, and your boss kinda says that you can't go on your family vacation because it clashes with the board meeting week, and your boss might need you to crunch some numbers or, I don't know, make a tray of coffees. Right? Oh, I need you to stick around that week just in case. Oh, yeah, but I wanna go on holiday. Yeah. But it's the board meeting week. It's really important, and I need you here. He doesn't need you here.

Jack [00:10:58]:
He's just controlling you or she or whoever they are. And to make it worse, the company you work for decides when you get a pay rise. They control your bonuses. They say yes. And then just as quickly, they say no. You're forever being this kind of controlled feeling, meaning that you have somebody telling you when you can see your family or when you can go on holiday or how much you can earn. And that, my friends, that is not a lifestyle. And there it is, a familiar tale for many of us.

Jack [00:11:28]:
The routine of asking for permission even in our adult lives, whether it's booking a holiday, waiting for that elusive pay rise or or feeling of being controlled can be stifling. It's a script that many of us have read. For me, I've been on it many a times and it led to a pivotal moment in my life. Okay? After a decade of working in the film industry for a very prestigious large film Hollywood film company. Even even though that was essentially seemed to me as a dream job, and it was a fantastic job, I realized though while working in a corporate world that there had to be more to life than waiting for permission. K? And having someone telling me what I can and can't do. That realization became the spark of my new journey, the one of breaking free, embracing change, and, of course, finding this kind of entrepreneurial spirit within me. I did all this way before lockdown.

Jack [00:12:27]:
I wanted to work from home way before COVID happened and working from home. I wanted more time in my life and more freedom way before all that stuff happened. So if you've ever felt trapped in the kind of permission loop, I want you to stay tuned because at the end of this podcast episode, I've got 5 incredible actionable tips you can take. We're gonna be diving deep into how to break free and live the life on your terms. Okay? Alright. So remember, breaking free is gonna require acknowledging these fears. Okay, understanding the kind of the grips that are on us. Whatever those or wherever those grips are.

Jack [00:13:05]:
And the challenge is ourselves to rise above them. Okay? But only then can we truly unleash our potential, overcoming this kind of self sabotage and chart a course beyond the limitations of our comfort zone. So stay tuned because, like I said, we've got 5 incredible actionable tips at the end to help you overcome this, and we're gonna be covering those in just a minute at the end of the episode. Okay. So where am I? Yeah, why did I tell you this little story just now? Because I'm telling you straight that it is time to break free from the raise your hand for permission routine and embrace the inner entrepreneur within you. Yes. That story was a metaphor of your current and existing life if that's how you felt, if you can resonate with it, or if you have moved on from that and you're in the entrepreneurial living the lifestyle, then fantastic. I wanna congratulate you, but I'm sure you can still, relate to what I've already said.

Jack [00:14:01]:
So get ready because I want you to unlearn the stuffy beliefs about work and success. They tried to cram all this stuff into us from school through to college, into working life. Because, really, what you wanna be focusing on is ultimately acknowledging that it is time to dance to your own beat not someone else's. Now here's another way of looking at this is when we come across problems. Again, this is all about self sabotaging. I can't do this. I can't do that. And we come across problems, but instead instead of thinking of it as a problem, we should be renaming these problems as opportunities.

Jack [00:14:43]:
And these are things that we can do in our everyday lives and our businesses as well as we evolve as a business owner, as a CEO. And just these small micro steps can actually help us really search forward and have tremendous success and thrive. So instead of thinking about a problem, rename it and change your problem into an opportunity. Okay? Just like a good old superhero or in my household, Star Wars. So reframing the challenges, turning them into a stepping stone of your success. Flex those creative muscles or, in my household, learn the ways of the force. What I'm really trying to say here is that to thrive in your business, to become a successful entrepreneur is to stay on track, not have those pesky voices of self doubt creep in. We've already mentioned it before.

Jack [00:15:37]:
Right? You're sitting in the classroom. You got your hand raised, and you're like, oh, maybe I should put my hand down. I guess I get laughed at. K? You wanna get rid of those voices. They're gonna creep in. Okay? It's gonna require you to be very, very clear of your business's vision and get better at planning and get better at kind of performance metrics. Okay, oh my god. What's he talking about? Yeah.

Jack [00:16:00]:
We're talking, like, I'm bringing in some business buzzwords here. Right? Planning, envision, performance metrics. It's all kind of jargony, but what I'm trying to say is that planning, having a real clear vision of where you wanna be from 12 months from now, from 18 months from now, 4, 5 years from now. Okay? And knowing exactly how you're gonna get there, planning how how you're gonna get there. Knowing your performance metrics, these are your secret weapons to success. They might sound boring, but you can't escape them. So you gotta learn from the rebels who's kind of blazed the trail and discover the art of balancing business growth with the lifestyle that they forged for themselves. And you've heard the tales of, I don't know, like, growing an email list while juggling work and parenthood all at the same time while smashing $1,000,000 year an only working 4 hours a week.

Jack [00:16:50]:
It's enough to make anyone's jaw drop with, like, wow, how did they do that? But these aren't just success stories. People don't go around telling those success stories of juggling a family, making $1,000,000 a year, and only earning 4 and then only working 4 hours a week. It's not to show off. That's their roller coasters of triumph. And they've told this story to inspire the socks off of you. So what is your rollercoaster of triumph story gonna be? Because the more you can get into that, I was here, I was there, but I still successfully made it through, and I didn't turn I didn't see any problems. I only saw opportunities. When you go out into the world with your business into your niche market, feeding your roller coaster of triumph story to your audience.

Jack [00:17:36]:
It's gonna attract that audience like bees around honey. Alright. So I'm gonna wrap this up because it's been a bit of a roller coaster of an episode. Right? It's kind of like up, down, all over the place, but that's the whole point. And remember, success is not a one size fits all. Okay? You gotta break free from the chains of that kind of traditional educational system of raise your hand, ask for permission, and you've got to almost dance to your own unique rhythm. That's the best way of me explaining this. I'm a natural, musician.

Jack [00:18:11]:
I play the guitar. I like to use either guitar tar or music kind of metaphor, analogies, or Star Wars because I'm a massive Star Wars geek. But in this case, it's dance to your own unique rhythm. And when you can dance to your own unique rhythm, you'll find a tribe that loves your rhythm and is gonna start dancing with you. Alright. And I think that's a wrap. Okay? So let's wrap this episode up now with my 5 tips to help you break through self sabotage and foster a resilient mindset. Are you ready? Okay.

Jack [00:18:45]:
So tip number 1 is embrace the learning vibe. Okay? So you know, I know, we humans, we're always learning new things. You don't go to school and stop learning, and that's it. We're always embracing new things, new opportunities, new things to learn. We are always learning new things. So think of everything as a learning opportunity. If you can do that, then I can assure you right now, life just gets more fun. Okay, more energetic.

Jack [00:19:18]:
And when when things do get or stuff, should I say, or whatever it is gets tough, okay, see it as a chance to kind of flex those learning muscles. Okay? All the opportunity to learn the ways of the force within that specific topic. Okay? It's not about being perfect. I I this is where I used to always self sabotage. I used to always think I had to be perfect at this, had to be perfect at that. But actually, it's about growing or just starting. Right? Kick starting today growing and then getting better. So if you're thinking about on the brace of, on the fence of, on the brink of launching a business of your own in the new year, this year, next month, or whatever.

Jack [00:20:04]:
Okay, it's not about your business has to be perfect. Everything has to be ready. You don't have to have a logo or fancy looking website or this, that, and the other. Okay? It doesn't have to be perfect. It's about growing and getting better. An example of this could be like, I don't know, let's say, you decide to bake a cake. Okay? Oh my god. Why am I even going down this road? I don't know how to bake a cake.

Jack [00:20:28]:
I'm useless at cake baking. Let's just do it. Alright. Let's go for it. So you follow the recipe. Oh, god. Here we go. You follow the recipe.

Jack [00:20:36]:
You you mix it all up. You you pop it in the oven, and then bam. You pull it out and it sunk in the middle a bit. Right? Now you could totally stress out and think, oh my god. My baking's a disaster. My my cake sunk in the middle. But instead, instead of seeing as a failure, you wanna be treating this as a learning opportunity. So your cake making or your cake, should I say, may not be perfect.

Jack [00:21:02]:
Okay. But, hey, look, it's it's probably still edible. You can still eat it. That's if you haven't got, like, the salt and the sugar mixed up, but it's your 1st draft. It's your 1st cake. It's a bit rough around the edges, you're onto something. It tastes quite nice, actually. So what do you do? You embrace the imperfection.

Jack [00:21:22]:
And next time, you're ready to kind of maybe experiment a bit more. I mean, I have no clue about cake making, so just, you know, hang on with me here. Right? But maybe you're gonna be learning. You need to learn more about, I don't know, adjusting the oven temperatures or incorporating some new ingredients or whatever or trying out some different baking techniques of some kind. Suddenly, baking isn't just about following a recipe, it's now like a whole new experiment for you, and it's fun. And you're loving this whole new learning process. Okay? From being this imperfect baking to turning cakes into something quite delicious and lovely to look at. So it's not about becoming or starting out as having to be a baking genius from the start.

Jack [00:22:08]:
It's about flexing those learning muscles, learning the ways of the force of baking. Okay? And so with each cake, you're gonna be growing as a baker, figuring out how to make the sponge lighter and fluffier and more delicious. It's all part of the journey. And, like, who knows? You may stumble upon maybe some kind of amazing flavor combo that then becomes your signature cake. Same is with your business. So embrace the learning vibe. Your cakes, or should I say your skills, your knowledge, your entrepreneurship. You as a digital entrepreneur are gonna thank you for it.

Jack [00:22:47]:
Your audience, your tribe, your potential customers and clients will also be embracing this new vibe of yours, and they'll be thanking you for it too. Alright. I went on a bit of a tangent there. Tip number 2, ditch the negative chatter. So have you ever caught yourself and, again, I've already covered this in the classroom, but have you ever caught yourself saying, like, I can't do this, or I'm not good enough for that, oh, I have no skills. What you need to be doing instead of whenever that comes into your mind, instead of accepting it, next time you need to flip it. You need to flip that script and tell yourself, do you know what? I've got this, and I'm learning along the way, and that's okay. Okay? Challenge those negative thoughts and replace them with the ones that lift you up.

Jack [00:23:36]:
So next time that negative chatter kicks in and comes into your brain, those little whispers, let's change the tune. Instead of dwelling on what you can't do yourself, like, I've got this. I'm learning along the way. Challenge those thoughts and replacing with ones that lift you up. Now let me share a little secret. Thinking like an entrepreneur is not just for your business. You probably think like an entrepreneur all the time in your everyday life, and you can bring the positive thinking of an entrepreneur into your life as well. So let's say you're facing a task that feels like climbing a mountain.

Jack [00:24:09]:
Instead of getting bogged down by, you know, self doubt, like an entrepreneur would, ask yourself instead like a real entrepreneur, can I learn how to conquer this challenge? Can I embrace it? Can I turn it into a skill? And if the answer is a confident yes, then go for it. Like, if you can embrace something and learn it and then hit the challenge straight on in the face, and you've learned new skill and knowledge all at the same time that you can then use going forward. That's amazing. That's called growing. That's called, I wanted a bike for Christmas. I didn't know how to learn it. And now I've just learned how to ride the bike, and now I'm free. K, I've now got a new skill.

Jack [00:24:54]:
K? You embraced the challenge. So dive into the learning process, get those skills and conquer that mountain. But here's the beauty of it. Being entrepreneurial also means being savvy about your resources. If there's something that you're kind of not keen on learning on or you just don't have the time for it or you're just like, I could probably learn this, but I just have no interest in learning in it. Here's the big entrepreneurial move to do. You just gotta outsource it. Consider outsourcing.

Jack [00:25:24]:
You see, outsourcing is not a sign of weakness. It's a strategic play. Think about everyday life, every week life, every month life. Right? If you wanted to get your clothes dry cleaned, are you gonna dry clean them at home? Just gonna pop into town, pop them into the dry cleaners, and pick them up the next day. You're gonna get the dry cleaner to do it. Right? Because it's so much quicker, easier, faster, and god, I can't be bothered to do this myself. So you're just gonna get the dry clean instead. Every single day, every single week, we are outsourcing in our everyday lives all the time.

Jack [00:25:57]:
So you need to be more street strategic in your business and outsource there too. So any smart business owner we'll hire an expert. We'll hire people to do the tasks that are too mundane for them. So when you hire someone to tackle tasks, well, to that you don't wanna do or tackle tasks that are gonna take up too much of your time or just not worth your effort, you can then focus on what's more important in your business as being the visionary of your business, and ultimately, that frees up time for you to move the needle in your business. Like Richard Branson that doesn't fly the airplane in his jumbo jet airplane business. Just think about it. So it's not a case of like, no, I can't do this. It's a case of more like, let's explore how we can do this either by learning it ourselves or by finding the right person for the job.

Jack [00:26:46]:
And that shift in that mindset is like flipping a switch from negativity to opportunity. That's how I see it. The minute I did this, my business soared, seriously. And who knows? You may even uncover a whole new set of skills and possibilities that you never even thought was possible for yourself, or you might discover an amazing person that you've outsourced to, and become a hidden gem that you carry on using and that helps you grow your business. Trust me, this is gonna be a big change for you. You've got it. Okay, tip number 3. Failure is a detour.

Jack [00:27:17]:
It's not a dead end. So when I say failure, it's not the end of the road. It is just like a little detour. Instead of fearing it, you gotta think of failure more as like a GPS redirecting you. So, you know, like, when you're driving your car and you come to the dead end, you don't stop there. Right? You don't just give up on your road mission, right, or your your your road trip. You turn the car around, and instead of going right where you came from, you go left. So each stumble is like a clue guiding you toward success.

Jack [00:27:51]:
You gotta embrace the road bumps in the road and a few dead ends. Okay? Because at the end of the day, they're just all part of the adventure. We all wanna be on an adventure. We all wanna enjoy. It's all a learning curve. There's no such thing as a dead end in your business. Alright, tip number 4, baby steps towards big wins. So there is no such thing as overnight success.

Jack [00:28:14]:
I'm sure I'd have to tell you this. Okay? The kind of overnight success stories that we see all the time are probably about 10 years in the making. So think of your day to day tasks, you know, like, how we tackle a big to do list. Like, how do you tackle a massive to do list that you gotta do? Like, I've got this 1 big task to do. How do you tackle 1 big task? You break it down into smaller goals. K? You break those goals into smaller, bite sized tasks, more achievable tasks, whether it's a business goal or whether you're packing your family on holiday. Right? That's a big task in itself, but you break that task into a smaller bite sized tasks. So when you nail those little wins, it's like leveling up.

Jack [00:29:01]:
Small victories count. Okay? I cannot say that enough. Small victories in your business growth really, really count. They are small, but they are like mighty injections of confidence, and they add up to the most major accomplishments as well. So small tiny wins will add up to major accomplishments in your business. And then tip number 5, the final one, positive vibes only. This is really, really important. I learned this the hard way.

Jack [00:29:31]:
Hanging out with people who bring good vibes is like fuel for your soul. You've gotta be so aware of who you're hanging around with, who you're listening to. Okay? When you find a tribe of good vibes, it's as uplifting as a pep talk from, master Yoda when you're trying to learn the ways of the force. Okay? So you gotta surround yourself with folks who cheer you on. And if something or someone's bringing you down. Maybe it's time to use good old Jedi mind trick and kind of wipe that out of your life and say to yourself, these are not the droids I'm looking for. So I want you to be very, very aware and be very, very aware of the dark side of the force. Yes.

Jack [00:30:16]:
I'm using too many Star Wars analogies here, but just hear me out. The dark side of the force, it could be lurking in negativity or discouragement. So let's keep the atmosphere positive and encouraging. Remember, the force is with you, and the force is the realm of the positive mind, whereas self sabotage is the dark side of the force. Alright. So those are my 5 tips. I hope you really enjoyed those, and we're gonna wrap this up. So if you're looking for a special kind of digital entrepreneur playbook that has you become the Jedi master in your niche market, then I encourage you to download my exclusive free Nail Your Niche Workbook and Guide.

Jack [00:31:00]:
This is an epic 32 page workbook that you can fill out online on your computer, and we have assessments, tasks, take actions. You're gonna get to validate your niche and more to help you really niche down and understand exactly who you are here to serve and how you're gonna serve them and what is your 1st course going to be? This workbook is jam packed and it's really, really comprehensive, and I'm sure you're gonna love it. And, yes, it's free for now. So click on the link down below if you're listening, on our blog page. Otherwise, if you're not, head over to www. Jacklongdigital.comforward/nicheworkbook. That's all one word, by the way. Nicheworkbook is all one word.

Jack [00:31:46]:
And again, that's jack long digital.comforward/nicheworkbook, all one word, and grab it for free today. Until next time my friends, there's been more rebels, and may the force be with you. Thanks again for tuning in to another empowering episode of That Digital Entrepreneur podcast. I really appreciate you guys hanging out. And if you found value in today's conversation, don't forget to share it with friends who could also benefit. And look, hey, if you haven't already, hit the subscribe on iTunes, Spotify or your preferred podcast platform. Now before we wrap up, let me quickly share a vision with you. Imagine a life where you spend your days on your terms, where earning revenue has nothing to do with when or how much you work.

Jack [00:32:38]:
You make money while you're enjoying things you love. Whether it's like, you know, spending time at the park with your kids, meeting a friend for coffee, or just going for a run on your own. It's about taking your passion, skills, and your expertise and creating your own in demand course and then transforming your life. And you no longer need to trade your time for money. Instead, you have a business that brings in customers on autopilot, and you're serving new people and earning income every single day. And you don't need to work long hours for this or hustle. Now listen. This isn't some kind of pipe dream.

Jack [00:33:17]:
This is a business model. And I can tell you right now, this is a business model that I call the in demand course model. It's the backbone of my membership program, that course credit hub. And inside our success hub, we don't just guide you, we how are passionate individuals like you to launch programs that make a lasting impact. We give you the strategies and the processes that actually work plus 247 support and accountability. Now forget tech headaches, forget over complicated fancy funnels, and embrace a simple yet powerful business strategy. And do you know what the best part is? For just $7 a month, you can be a part of our course creators hub membership right now. And if this resonates with you, head over to jacklongdigital.comforward/hub, h you be, jacklongdigital.comforward/hub to learn more details about that course creators hub.

Jack [00:34:15]:
And, yes, you heard me right before. It's just $7 a month, which unlocks a transformative journey towards you becoming a successful course creator and having an in demand course business model. This isn't a dream. This is a reality. We have hundreds of thousands of clients and students who we've served in the last 5, 6 years who followed the exact same strategies. And you can join us right now at jacklongdigital.com forward slash hub. Okay? Now if you're excited to join, we're excited you've joined to turn your passions into profit. And until next time, I hope you thrive in the digital space.

Jack [00:34:54]:
We'll see you again in another podcast episode. Take care now.


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