Upgrade Your Lead Magnet Now!
Create a High Converting QUIZ Now!

For Course Creators & Coaches Who Want to Level Up Your Lead Generation Game and Leave Your Competition in the Dust with a HIGH CONVERTING QUIZ!

"Unleash the Untapped Power of a Quiz:

IGNITE Your Email List Growth & Sales With a REVENUE REWARDING Quiz! 

Instant Access to a Proven 5-Step Quiz Method!"

There are 5 Essential Steps Every Quiz Needs to Achieve HIGH Conversions, Attract Quality Leads, and DOUBLE Your Income!


Evergreen Timer
>| EXPLODE Your Email List Growth & Sales With a Quiz!

 Imagine Converting 82% of Your Audience into NEW Leads, Quality Subscribers, and Potential Customers! 

... Imagine the IMPACT That Would Have On Your Business?

“Our email conversion rates went from 28% (PDF) to 76% (QUIZ)!" 
"over 11k in sales for my low ticket in just 60 days from our Quiz result pages!"
“My Quiz added an extra 5k subscribers and increased my profits by $3k!”

It's No Wonder Our Clients Are RAVING About Our Unique Approach to Creating High Converting Quizzes!

From: the Desk of Jack Long, Quiz Expert!

Boring PDF's & One Page Cheatsheets Kinda Suck in 2024. 

And as for Webinars... Ads costs are up ↑, and attendance rates are down ↓


This isn't good if you're looking to really grow your email list with perfect leads, especially if you're thinking about grabbing a Canva template in the hope it will exponentially grow your email list, because it won't!  

And if you’re like most of Course Creators, Coaches and Membership Site owners I work with, you got into this business because you want to help more people... 

...not spend all day creating a fancy PDF that no one reads or a Webinar no one watches!


Well, the reality is this:

Whether you currently sell (or want to sell!) an online course, membership, or a group coaching program...


Digital products do NOT sell Themselves Without an Element of Trust First!


Think about it!  You wouldn't just buy a $997 course from a total stranger, would you? NO! Of course not! So then why would you ever assume YOUR customers are ready to buy from you BEFORE even engaging with your content or before you've clearly showcased that know your stuff!

So, if you're doing this:

These outdated freebie funnels don't work anymore 🤮

(Simply offering a “Buy Now” call to action on your thank you pages when people opt-in for your PDF, even though they haven't even read your freebie yet, and the perception that they will magically give you money when they don't even know you) then...


You’re already leaving an 'icky' feeling with your audience because THEY will think you're only interested in the sales ...

(and not the relationship)! 


I mean... how many sales have you (and others) actually made so far from CTA buttons on PDF 'Thank You' pages? If you’re like most who come to start working with me, it’s very likely a “not that much.”


But this is all ok! Because when you’re trying to build a solid relationship with your leads so that they become customers, sometimes it's as simple as WOWING them first, and not forcing the sale first...

(instead of trying to pitch your offer first before they've even read your PDF)!



Freebie Opt-in → Thank You Page → BUY NOW → Engage with Freebie Content (if they find it in their inbox) → Trust Built


Instantly Engage with Quiz Content → QUIZ Opt-in → Quiz Results → Trust Built → BUY NOW


You will easily start generating more INCOME when your future clients instantly engage with your content, and you deliver amazing value first (building instant trust)  and there is NO PDF, Cheatsheet, or Webinar that can have your perfect customer engage with your content, sets you up as an authority so that your audience are 'ready-to-buy', and does all that in under 5 minutes!

The ONLY email list growth tool that can do all this is...


a high-converting Quiz!

The Right QUIZ Doesn’t Just Increase Your Email List Growth, it also:

✔️ Establishes credibility and authority in your marketplace!

✔️ Increases revenues for your digital products, programs, and toolkits!

✔️ Helps you ditch unscalable sales processes like 1-to-1 phone sales!

✔️ Creates a WOW factor for your Quiz takers and showcases your best content, testimonials and builds trust!

✔️ And... it does all of this for you without YOU having to push hard for leads or sell yourself!

Having a QUIZ Funnel Will Quickly Become One Of Your MAIN Assets in Your Business!

AND it's NO coincidence that...

... the successful THOUGHT LEADERS, Coaches, and Course Creators that YOU currently follow and look up to:

They ALL have a QUIZ in their business!

✅ Quizzes to Grow Their Email List

✅ Quizzes to Fill Their Launch Events

✅ Quizzes to Generate More Sales For Their Low Ticket Funnels

✅ Quizzes to Build Deeper Relationships With Their Audience

✅ Quizzes to Segment Their List and Sell More Products


Quiz Funnels Are POWERFUL!

And Here Is WHAT You Can Expect YOUR Audience to Say When They Go Throw Your Quiz Funnel:

And if you're NOT filling your email list every day with an audience that are perfectly aligned to your digital products... then they ain't buying!


The #1 Mistake Broke Digital Entrepreneurs Keep Making:


When Course Creators, Coaches, and Online Experts aren’t growing their email list as they hoped, they overcompensate. They stuff their prospects full of more free content or they offer too much free content and resources.

And if you're doing this, you risk leaving your audience completely confused and overwhelmed. 

And you already know that an overwhelmed mind does NOT buy.


Or worse! 


Mistake #2... Panic Promotions & Lackluster Launches:

Time and time again I have clients who come to me because they didn't see the sales they had hoped from their launch. They just crank up their FB Ad spend and lose more money sending traffic to a broken webinar.


That’s like trying to fill a leaky bucket with more water!

You're gonna waste a LOT of water and never solve the problem!



Throwing money at the PROBLEM doesn’t work IF you don't have the right tools in place first! 


Other Digital Entrepreneurs struggling to scale their business recognize that their email list (or lack thereof) is the cause of their low sales, so they go out and find a pricey copywriter or web developer to “fix it” and create a fancy looking Opt-In Page for their Free PDF Guide...

... (only ever increasing their opt-in conversion rates by an extra 1.5%)!


So what's a digital entrepreneur (like you!) to do?


Well, in my personal (and professional) opinion, the answer is to build a COMMUNITY of people that want to learn from you...

Who want to connect to your CONTENT and engage with your content...

... an audience who ACTUALLY want what you have to offer from the get-go!


What most people say is: 


 "Do a webinar, run ads, get paid, build an offer..."
How's that working out in a 2024 world?

Rather than rely on launches to grow your audience (and blow your market budget in one full swoop)...


What if you were able to WOW your audience with a Quiz, fill your email list with hot leads WHO are already interest in your offers, and sell more of your digital products with less effort?




"Aren't Quizzes too complicated to create"?

"Aren't Quizzes too overwhelming for non tech people?"

"Aren't Quizzes too expensive to host because of pricy software programs?"

"Aren't Quizzes just silly click baits like 'Which Disney Character Are You'?"

If only I had a dollar every time I heard those excuses!

Well... you’re right! 

MOST people have EITHER...


1 - Never created a Quiz before for their business, and automatically think it will take too much time!


2 - Have tried before but found other methods far too complicated or expensive to actually finish their Quiz!

Here are 5 Hard-Nosed FACTS That PROVE Why Digital Entrepreneurs Use a Quiz For Exponential Email List Growth & Recurring Revenues!


   5 QUIZ FACTS:   


1 - A QUIZ can easily convert 3x (or more) new leads vs any other lead magnet!

2 - A well structured Quiz Funnel can generate up to 220% more sales than a “PDF Thank You” page.

3 - The common phrase, “Humans have the attention span of a goldfish?” has been BUSTED as a myth. In fact, it’s been found that users will happily spend 4 minutes from start to → finish completing a Quiz!

4 - Don't focus on list size metrics! With a Quiz you will get a REAL understanding of your audience and discover EXACTLY what your audience wants from you!

5 - Making the switch from a high engaging, fun, and interactive Quiz has at least increased our clients bottom line by 50%.

You want MORE sales, not less, right?


The reality is, just like the 1000's of pointless satellites that are now floating around in outer space -  the digital course world has also become over saturated with digital trash floating around the internet trying to attract the same customers who don't want the same boring PDF eBooks or cheatsheets anymore!





So, now that you see just how vital a Quiz really can be for your business in growing your email list and bringing in a consistent cashflow of sales, you may begin to feel the slightly daunting and intimidating task of actually creating one ...



If you’re like most who have read this far, you’re starting to see the possibility of a high-converting, REVENUE REWARDING Quiz and what it will do to your email list growth and get your digital product/s into more of the hands of people who need it most... but you’re probably imagining yourself staring at a blank screen with a blinking cursor while you ask yourself, 


“How can a Quiz be as easy to create as you say they are, Jack?!


😰 What title do I even call my Quiz?

😰 How many questions do I need?

😰 What answers do I need to write?

😰 How do I connect together all of the Quiz pieces?

😰 I am not tech savvy enough to build a successful Quiz!


Your assumptions of a Quiz could be that you think Quizzes are so daunting and intimidating that you have avoided creating one (or just stay busy and distracted playing around in Canva). And I get it.


But here's a little 'Insider Secret' for ya:

Great Quizzes Needn't Be an Overwhelming Task of Creating From Start to Finish...


...in 5 simple sections!


You see, there is a METHOD to creating a HIGH-Converting Quiz. And this method consists of 5 crucial sections that anyone can follow!
They are...

1️⃣  An ATTENTION grabbing Quiz Title!

2️⃣  Email list SEGMENTATION that connects the right audience with your right content!

3️⃣  Seven PSYCHOLOGICAL Quiz-Questions!

4️⃣  Scroll STOPPING "I need to take this Quiz" curiosity triggers!

5️⃣  Income BOOSTING Quiz Funnel that generates revenues on autopilot from Quiz results!

Easy. Powerful. Set-it & Forget-it.


So, what if you had an easy to follow step-by-step instructions for each of those 5 main Quiz sections? Imagine if you could follow these steps with Lego instruction manual precision and simplicity... EVEN if you're the most non-teach person you know!

No QUIZ overwhelm!

Never fear if your QUIZ will convert!

No more wasting time or money trying to launch a Quiz on your own!


Imagine for just a moment...

...that you can speed up your process towards your list building efforts and DOUBLE your lead growth over night!

...imagine you could discover more about your AUDIENCE that you create MORE offers your audience actually wants!

...imagine adding more revenue to your bottom line with the SAME efforts... SAME audience... SAME traffic!


And you already know once it’s done... it’s done! 


Taking the jump and creating a Quiz could be a business changing opportunity for you!

If you do NOTHING reading this... how will you ever know!

Launch a Quiz and let it do all the hard work for you! Isn’t it great to build something once and get it to work for you for years?!


And thats not all...

You could go through my Quiz method again and create another Quiz for something else, maybe a NEW product launch or filling your membership!


Wouldn’t that be nice? 

Well, you don’t have to “imagine” any longer. Because... it’s here.

The Simple Step-by-Step, Implementation & Template-Driven System For Creating Your Highest Converting Lead Magnet YET...


Detailed Training That Guides You Through the Process of Creating the 5 Essential Sections Needed for a High-Converting, Revenue Rewarding, Quiz Lead Magnet
(build your quiz alongside me at each step)!
Plug-&-Play Templates & Fill-in-the-Blank Sections for Easy Quick Assembly That Takes the Hassle & Guess Work out of Creating the Perfect Quiz for your Niche!
Steal Our Complete Processes for Writing a head turning, ATTENTION Grabbing Quiz Title, and DESIGNING a Quiz That Looks Like a Million Bucks... (attracting your ideal customers like bees to honey)!
Swipe Files and Quiz Examples That Convert So You Have Endless Examples and Inspiration!


...because your email list growth, your digital products (and your NEW leads & future customers) deserve the best!

👀 Take a Sneak Peak Into My QUIZ Course:

YES! I Want to Create a REVENUE REWARDING Quiz Now!
Yes! I Want to Learn HOW to Create a QUIZ For ONLY $97 Today!

Detailed Training That Guides You Through the Process of Creating the Essential Sections Needed for a High-Converting, Revenue Rewarding, Quiz Lead Magnet!

Plug & Play Templates & Fill-in-the-Blanks at each Section for Easy Quick Assembly That Takes the Hassle & Guess Work out of Creating the Perfect Quiz for your Niche (and your audience)!

Steal Our Complete Processes for Writing a head turning ATTENTION Grabbing Quiz Title, and DESIGNING a Quiz That Looks Like a Million Bucks... (attracting your ideal customers like bee's to honey)!

Swipe Files and Quiz Examples That Convert So You Have Endless Examples and Inspiration!


...because your email list growth, your digital products (and your NEW leads & future customers) deserve the best!

 It's time to create a QUIZ that will grow a thriving audience who trusts you enough to buy from you, DOUBLES your lead growth, and generates income on a daily basis! Just like it’s done for our past students:

"My Lead Conversions Went From 27% to 73%!"

"For any course creators who want to create a quiz as a lead magnet should look no further than Jack's amazing Quiz course. I loved Jack's training and his easy approach for helping me create my quiz, and he has a teaching talent at simplifying the steps. I can't highly recommend this course enough, my Quiz has been so well received by my audience and Jack's knowledge is profound!" - Lisa Woodford

“This Quiz Course and the Training absolutely blew me away because it showed me the secret to creating an amazingly high converting lead magnet that my audience absolutely loves... and and is positing my offers when my leads are ready! The best part is that I used a lot of the copy from my sales page in all of my messaging to get 14,000 people into our last launch. Our landing page conversion increased from 25% to 46%! Our sales conversions went from 3% to 6% on a $119 product and we had our first 6-figure launch thanks to everything we've learned from James!”



"I spent over $10k on a coach 2 years ago that didn't even come close to Jack's Quiz Course ..."

The Ultimate Quiz Course has been one of the best investments for my business to date.

We are attracting more of my perfect customers as leads, our email list growth has doubled, and my sales have increased from 3% - 9% because we are now filling my email list with higher quality leads from the get-go through my Quiz funnel. I absolutely LOVE Jack's training, 100% recommended this course! - Ella Wilson

Quizzes Work For ANY Niche!


"I have tried creating a quiz several times but I found the process too overwhelming..."

Jeff Young

"Jack's Quiz course was exactly what I needed and an absolute game changer for my business. The steps easily helped me create a high converting lead magnet quiz that was SO much easier than I expected. The simple steps and exercises that goes into creating a quiz were spot on and really easy to follow. Highly recommended!"

Jacqueline Steudler

"I have tried creating a quiz several times but I found the process too overwhelming. That changed when I joined Jack's Ultimate Quiz Course, and I could never have imagined to actually have a stunning looking QUIZ completed in under five days! This training absolutely amazing and a no brainer for course creators"

"I struggled to create a lead magnet before...

... but Jack's Ultimate QUIZ Course is awesome and simple to follow"

"I joined Jack's Ultimate Quiz Course to create a quiz as my lead magnet. Before, I've struggled to create any type of lead magnet for my business but I liked the idea of creating a quiz to grow my email list.

A quiz is something different for my niche market, and within the first week I started to get good conversions. Jack's training is easy to follow with simple steps that are awesome - Jack is very good at explaining the process and how to create a good quiz that will attract high quality leads and potential customers. I really found all the necessary steps easier than I first thought, and the templates provided in the course speeds up processes like creating the Quiz results.

Jack is great Quiz coach and I like his training style. I will definitely recommend Jack's Quiz Course if you want to create a great simple lead magnet. And now I will be able to create various quizzes - they are simple to create and duplicate, once you do it once".

 . - Veronica Volk

SEE what's waiting for you inside once you become a member…

Detailed video training & fill-in-the-blank templates for the
5 essential sections of your High-Converting Quiz!
Quiz Step #1:


The Attention Grabbing Title is an Important Component to a High-Converting Quiz

Every great Quiz must start with an ATTENTION grabbing Quiz Title... this is the secret to 'Viral Quizzes' ! You need to make sure that your Quiz instantly attracts your perfect audience and stops them in their scroll!

Inside 'THE ULTIMATE QUIZ COURSE', we go the extra mile to make sure that YOUR Quiz Title will be a sure bet with your audience and works for any niche market! Get access to my unique step-by-step training walking you through exactly how to NAIL a head-turning Quiz Title... and making sure that your Quiz topic has viral potential.

But thats not all... you will also get access to a Quiz Title 'Scoring Tool' that instantly scores your Quiz on a scale of 0-100%, and with our training you're guaranteed to get at least 70% or higher!


Example of the scoring tool:  


"What should you do to achieve your weight-loss goals"



"What should you actually do to stop weight-loss sabotage" 


Imagine how much easier and fun it will be to create your Quiz knowing that your Quiz Title is a strong head-tuner! Instant confidence booster!

Quiz Step #2:


Connecting Your Audience With The Right Content & Offers!

Most QUIZZES fail straight out the gates... but not yours when you learn our 'Secret Strategy' that will fill your email list with "Ready-to-Buy" subscribers every-time (without fail)!

In Step 2 you'll follow my step-by-step training where you implement the unique INVISIBLE COG ⚙️ beneath the surface of your Quiz that creates powerful Email List SEGMENTATION and connects your audience with the right content (and offers)!

We help you segment your audience from being ONE whole collective:

To segmenting your audience for more opportunities to sell more of your digital products:

PLUS, I reveal the real TRUTH about "MARKET SOPHISTICATION" and how you can accurately meet your prospects at where they are at in the marketplace with your Quiz = More For Your Bottom Line!

Quiz Step #3:


How The Pros Write Quiz Questions

Get my exact Quiz Questions! I have personally worked with 1000s of digital entrepreneurs for over 6 years in numerous niches, and in that time I have done the hard work testing various questions, in multiple orders, and spent over $20,000 in Facebook ads to see what actually works (and more importantly, what doesn't)...

... and I have distilled it down to 7 Psychological Quiz Questions that must flow in a specific order so that your audience effortlessly finishes your Quiz, and they are buzzing to see their RESULTS!


Here's a Sneaky Peak 👀 At The '7 Psychological Quiz Questions':

1 - IDENTIFY Who / What / Where they are.

2 - IDENTIFY something they have tried already.

3 - IDENTIFY ⎽ .

4 - IDENTIFY their money / relationship / health situation 

5 - IDENTIFY  . 

6 - IDENTIFY  . 

7 - IDENTITY where   .

Quiz Step #4:


No Need to be a Designer or Tech Savvy to Create a Quiz!

"It’s Not Just Enough to Create a Quiz with a Head-Turning Title... its Gotta Look Like the BEST Damn 'thing' in Your Niche Market, Right?!"


Today, great design and branding will separate you from the competition and position you as the established, credible authority that you are!

Think about it! What's your first impression about a business when you see a page like this:

Come realizzare un lead magnet efficace per fare lead generation.

🤮 Outdated 3D books and a bad opt-in page 🤮

Outdated? Amateur? Everyone Has One?

And you know spammy sales follow afterwards!

Is that how you want people to think about you? Of course not!

Inside The Ultimate Quiz Course, I walk you through...


✔️ Simple-to-follow Quiz Build elements that even non-tech people will have their Quiz built in under 30 minutes with my Quick Quiz Done over the should training (easier than drop & drag)!

✔️ Follow my head-turning Quiz design training to "spruce up" your Quiz without having to hire an expensive designer (have your Quiz looking like a million dollar Digital CEOs lead magnet)!

✔️ Learn how to add engagement tricks to your Quiz that INSTANTLY has YOUR brand stand out from the crowd!

✔️ Plus! Get access to our Quiz swipes, and plug-&-play Quiz Image templates that you can use instantly!


Quiz Step #5:


Learn how to monetize your quiz & turn it into a revenue generating  asset!


Lasting impressions is the focus for your Quiz Results, and with my high-converting Quiz Results Page 'blueprint' you can instantly create the real WOW factor for your audience! 

Follow my easy to follow training for adding the final piece in the puzzle for your high-converting QUIZ Funnel where you send your Quiz takers to their specific Quiz Result that blows your audience away, and sells more of your offers.

I’ve Included an Entire Step-by-Step Quiz Results Page PROCESS For Hosting And Publishing Your Results Without a Fancy Programmer Or Techie Skills!


If you can follow directions, you can get your Quiz Results page published and ready to turn your new leads into customers!




We wouldn't dream of leaving you hanging. Unlike other programs that sell you expensive upsells and additional Next Level programs, we're committed to authenticity. That's why I have gone the extra mile by including my secret Monetize Quiz Strategy.


When your Quiz is completed, we dive deep into the art of optimizing your Quiz for unparalleled profitability. You’ll discover and implement the secrets to harnessing your Quiz's full potential, opening doors to exciting monetization avenues you never thought possible.


Get ready to go beyond the ordinary and unleash extraordinary success. Say goodbye to the status quo and join us as we guide you towards unlocking a Quiz-making experience that will leave a lasting impact on your audience and your business .


Your journey towards quiz mastery starts here—don't miss out on this incredible opportunity!

"I wanted a quiz set up and ready to go by the end of the course and that's exactly what happened."

Sudeshna Sen

"I loved Jack's Ultimate Quiz Course and how narrow and specific it was instead of the do-it-all approach that I have seen in other trainings. I am someone who has high expectations of myself and the people I work with and this totally delivered. I wanted a quiz set up and ready to go by the end this course and that's exactly what happened. It was so easy to go through the process, I have created TWO Quizzes now for more my business! So would 100% recommend this course!"

"we added just over 500 new leads, and generated over $3,000 in under a month with my Quiz"

"Jack Long's Ultimate Quiz Course is absolutely amazing. I have invested in a lot of courses and high priced coaches over the years for my business, and I can't believe the value and the results I have received from this courses alone.

After 5 days of running through the course, I had my quiz ready to go! And within 4 weeks of running our quiz, we added just over 500 new leads, and generated over $3,000 in sales for my toolkit offer - and we did this following Jack's 5-step process. This course is an absolute no brainer for courses creators and coaches. - Christianne Wolff

"QUIZZES Are The Most Powerful Tool to Attract More Leads For YOUR Business and Generate Sales On Your Backend... 


... and I've cracked the QUIZ list building code so that YOU can grow a thriving audience that trusts you enough to buy from you on a daily basis without hard sales tactics or spamming your audience!"

✅ Getting Cheap Ads

✅ Growing Your Email List

✅ Scale Your Business Quickly

Sell MORE of Your Digital Products

❌ No More Low Converting PDF's & Expensive Webinars! 


Only $497 Today

(Or Two Payments of $299)




"The Ultimate Quiz Course is amazing. No-BS, straight to the point, easy to follow..."

"The Ultimate Quiz Course is amazing! No-BS, straight to the point, easy to follow. Jack's QUIZ Course has helped me come up with a much simpler approach than what I had in mind. I was putting off using quizzes because it always seemed too complicated to come up with questions and results that would properly "analyse" people. 

Guess what, you don't have to analyse anyone to get quality leads with a quiz 😀. Jack has a very smart and effective approach that is easy to implement, and he teaches everything in a step-by-step process to make your quiz successful as a marketing tool. This is an absolute must have for lead generation and course creators."Silvia Miller


That Lets You Sleep Easily At Night!


The fact that you’re reading this section means you already know that upgrading your Lead Magnet to a Quiz will rapidly grow your email list of leads and improve sales, but perhaps you still have a bit of doubt. Hesitation. Risk. I get it. Like…

"This sounds too good to be true! How am I supposed to know this is really what I need?”

Well… that’s simple. Try it.

Our Special Guarantee:

Test-Drive The Program for 60 Days

When you enroll, you’ll have 30 60 days to go through EVERYTHING inside the program, and if for whatever reason… and I mean ANY reason… if you don’t feel like this was the best investment you’ve made into turning a Quiz into a high-converting machine, simply email our support team at [email protected] - and we’ll gladly refund your entire investment… no questions asked! I’ll even let you keep the program! Which means yes, you could totally rip me off here!

Test-Drive Your Quiz Performance - If you do not see any positive results from this training, simply show us that you’ve done the work, and if it ain’t working (your Quiz hasn't made a difference)... we’ll refund your investment!

Why would I do this? Because you shouldn’t have to pay for something that doesn’t work! And I’m so convinced of how effective my method for creating Quizzes is for list growth, I’m willing to put my money where my mouth is. That’s how much I believe in this training.

And Because I Am ALLLL about “Gift-Giving”, I’ve Got More For You:

When You Enroll You’ll Get


(Valued at $3,288)

Designed to Speed Up & Simplify

Your Quiz Creation Process!



Plug-and-Play Fill-in-the-Blank Quiz Questions

$697 (VALUE)

Imagine just how much easier it will be to “write” all of your high-engaging 7-Psychological Quiz Questions when you simply swipe my fill in the blanks done-4-you Questions & Answers!

With this powerful resource, I’ve taken the hard work and heavy lifting out of writing so that you don't end up spending days feeling confused with what to write! And with our foolproof 'fill-in-the-blanks' Quiz Questions you instantly know that your Quiz will WOW your audience, keep them engaged, and turn your Quiz takers into a hot new lead!

✔️ WRITE YOUR QUIZ QUESTIONS & ANSWERS IN UNDER 30 MINUTES when you simply swipe my fill in the blanks resource!

✔️ NAIL THE SEVEN ESSENTIAL QUIZ QUESTIONS that will send your audience on a journey so that you fill your email list with 'Ready-to-Buy' leads!

✔️ GO TO BED KNOWING THAT YOUR QUESTIONS WILL DO THE HARD WORK FOR YOU and not prevent your audience from becoming a lead and buying from you!


Ready-Made Quiz Results Page Templates

$997 (VALUE)

Swipe our high converting results pages that will instantly sell your offers to your new Quiz leads. 

Me and my team have spent years crafting, tweaking, and meticulously improving our clients Quiz results pages to the point now they convert higher than the average sales page.

And the last thing you want is your Quiz results leaving a BAD impression. With this exclusive Quiz Result Pages Bonus, you will have instant access to beautifully crafted templates that you can quickly plug into your landing pages / webpages platforms so that you're ready-to-upload our templates in a matter of minutes and NOT hours.

And if you didn't already know by now... a Quiz Results Page is where new leads become a NEW customer within minutes of completing your Quiz (and if that's something you want for you business, we have you covered with this bonus).

✔️ PROFESSIONAL PRE-DESIGNED QUIZ RESULT PAGE TEMPLATES Designed to turn content consumers into customers!

✔️ SAVE HOURS & SKIP ALL THE FUSS WITH THE DESIGN PHASE... we’ve done it all for you with simple plug n play, copy Jack's templates and you're DONE!

✔️ SAVE HOURS (and dollars) WITHOUT THE NEED TO HIRE EXPENSIVE WEB PROGRAMMERS! Use my pre-made templates and blueprints where we teach our students a clever strategy that has you publishing your results pages in under 30 minutes!


VIP ACCESS to The Quiz Lead Magnet Vault!

$997 (VALUE)

I don’t need to remind you that having a plethora of proven Quiz examples will only help give you clarity and copy ideas for creating your own attention grabbing, head turning, and high converting amazing Quiz? That’s why I’ve included my amazing VIP VAULT:

✔️ GET ACCESS TO DOZENS OF AMAZING REAL QUIZ EXAMPLES from real Thought Leaders like you in several different niches to ethically swipe for your Quiz.

✔️ SWIPE MY CANVA TEMPLATES to make your Quiz Image & Branding a real head turner and stand out from the crowd in your niche market (we have Amy Porterfield examples, Lewis Howes, James Wedmore... and more)!

✔️ GRAB MY QUIZ LANDING PAGE TEMPLATES to set your Quiz up with a PROFESSIONAL-LOOKING page without hiring the professionals (no tech overwhelm)!


ULTIMATE Quiz Email Sales Follow Up Sequence!

$597 (VALUE)

Get Your Hands on My 'Fill in the Gaps' Email Copy & TEMPLATES Guaranteed to Move People Closer to the Close!


We already know that there are things you WANT to say inside your Email follow-up sequences... but sometimes you just don’t know how to say them or how to not come across spammy... or maybe what you say simply falls flat and no one actually clicks on your links or sees your offer.

In this bonus gift, you’ll get my treasure trove of pre-written Persuasion & Influence Emails designed to help you:

✔️ TURN MORE LEADS INTO CUSTOMERS with the power of email influence!

✔️ ACTUALLY KEEP YOUR READERS READING YOUR EMAILS and how to have your leads on the lookout for your email!

✔️ CONSISTENTLY CONVERT SALES with an automated email sequence that sells for you (without you being there)!


When you join The Ultimate Quiz Course, you'll receive instant access to everything you need to ASSEMBLE the best darn Email List Growth Tool You've Ever Made! Including...

  1. The 5-Quiz-Steps & Training Videos to create a Quiz that converts like crazy!
  2. Templates, Exercises, & Examples for each element of your Quiz Funnel to SKYROCKET your email list growth!
  3. Additional Training & Done-4-you Templates for creating, writing, designing, & publishing and passive income Quiz machine!
  4. My complete Quiz Email Sales Follow Up Sequence, Full Email Outline, and Fill in the Blanks Email Templates so you can increase conversions on autopilot that turns your readers into customers!
  5. Plug-and-Play 7 Psychological Quiz Questions (done-4-you) so that you don't have to second guess what to write!
  6. Quiz Niche Examples of From Over 30-High Converting Quizzes to help you craft yours!
  7. Instant Access to the Quiz VIP Vault Full of TOOLS & Canva TEMPLATES guaranteed to grab your audiences attention.

plus much, much more!

This makes everything you get well over $4,000 in value! ($4,482 to be exact!) And you can get it all for just $99 today!


Only $497 Today!

(Or Two Payments of $299)

Special Offer Today - Only $97!


Meet Your QUIZ Expert:

Your Go-To Quiz Guy!

I'm not super into long drawn out stories so here's the Cliff notes version:

Back in 2018 I wanted to create a Quiz lead magnet! However, I found the other Quiz methods and trainings available back then far too complicated and overwhelming and I almost gave up!

But those of you who know me personally, I don't quit! So I spent 2 months at the end of 2018 figuring out my own Quiz method for my online digital course business! And the results from a Quiz lead magnet literally change my business over night! My average launch sales went from $15,000 per launch, to generating over $65,000 per launch by growing my email list first with a Quiz! 

Fast forward a few years, and a couple 100 students later getting similar results... I am now known as the Go-To Quiz Guy for Course Creators, Coaches, and Membership Owners!

In CASE There's Anything I Missed, Here are Some Commonly Asked Questions!

"This is an absolute NO BRAINER course for anyone who needs to grow their email list with quality leads and generate sales from YOUR courses and services. I have been part of so many programs and none have been as thorough, clear, or as easy to implement with action items that Jack teaches to have a QUIZ set up in no time! I 100% recommend this fantastic course"

- Matt Travis


Only $497 Today!

(Or Two Payments of $299)

Special Offer Today - Only $97